4 June 2009

Jane Update for June

I've recently read three very interesting articles. "Success At Your Own Risk: The Monkey Bar Theory", "How to Achieve Ridiculous Goals" and "11 Pointless Blog Posts that Waste my Time". I have to admit they've made quite an impact on me. Because for the entire May, I've been procrastinating like there was no tomorrow...
Not to mention, they made me feel better about not posting regularly here. Made me realize I'm not spamming this blog. Which at the same time is a good and a bad thing.

Because I'm not posting regularly, I tend to forget I have this blog. Which usually leads to forgetting about the writing gig (especially when it's really busy at my day job). But because I'm not spamming this blog with pointless entries, I keep this serious. Not an excuse for a blog.

What the articles I linked to made me think about is setting up goals. Realistic goals to be completely within a month. And since I need a motivation, and nothing's a better motivation than avoiding public humiliation, I'll be posting those goals here and then reporting my progress at the end of the month.

Freelance Writing:
- Write 15 pieces (articles, reviews) capable of earning money.
- Make one post per week at Inspired.
- Go back to using Qassia at least once a week.

- Pass all exams in June.

- Finish editing Monster Story
- Write 1K fanfic for fic exchange
- Reach 6K total wordcount
- Limit RP time so it doesn't take over my life.
- Going to gym at least two times a week.

Those goals seem realistic and enough of a challenge for the first time. I'll let you know how's it going.